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Showing posts from September, 2018

Two Mythical Creatures

Ashrays (or Water Lovers) These are translucent nocturnal water creatures, both males and females. They live under water and are often mistaken for sea ghosts. The legend says that if they are captured and exposed to sunlight ashrays melt and only a rainbow puddle of water remains. Keywords: nocturnal translucent melting puddle Ceasg (or Maighdean na Tunne: maiden ot the Waves) This is a Scottish Highland mermaid, with the body of a beautiful woman and the tail of a salmon. She lives in the sea as well as in rivers and can grant three wishes to anyone who captures her in exchange for her freedom. She can be a dangerous creature and can be overcome by the destruction of her separable soul which is hidden in an egg, a shell or a box. Keywords: beauty salmon tail soul egg shell wishes

Back at Work

After a busy summer working with students and marking, I am back at work for my exhibition. During summer I have taken notes and drafted and sketched ideas. I have also refined the aims of this specific exhibition and considered opportunities for the future development of this project. So, to summarise my thoughts: The November exhibition will be inspired to and focused on two myths: Asharays and Ceasg (or Maighdean Mhara). The techniques that I will use are: instant photography, cyanotype on fabric, digital collage. Lead installations will be part of the exhibitions. Texts (possibly on screen)